Hinterland transport

In which port or terminal your container may arrive, Richard Kempers will also make sure that the last leg of your transport is taken care of to the highest standard. With daily departures from all major ports, you can be sure that the conclusion of your shipment will be dealt with in the most efficient way at hand. Over the years we have gained a lot of experience in the field of Trucking and Intermodal transport. The use of selected partners and reliable operators makes the range of possibilities exceptionally wide.

In order to satisfy the growing customers’ requirements in competitiveness and above all environmentally friendly transport solutions we offer intelligent combinations of different transport modes: by road or by rail or a combination.

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Visit our page Intermodal transport for more information.

Forward together

"We believe our clients are special, that they are our partners and by moving forward together, we all reap the benefits of that partnership"

Richard B. Kempers